Fatal stabbing in Germany: perpetrator must serve five-year prison sentence

born: 1992
stabbed to death: March 30, 2022
Residence: Weyhe (Lower Saxony)
Origin: Syria / possibly Kurds
Children: 2 daughters
Perpetrator: her husband Mohammad Sharif E. (48 years old)
Mohammad and his wife come to Germany from Syria via Iran. The couple split up. The wife lives with their 21-year-old daughter Havin. The name sounds Kurdish. There is another daughter living in Iran - possibly because she is married there.

On March 30, 2022, the ex shows up at the door of the family apartment in Weyhe-Leeste, Lower Saxony. Feeling sorry for him, the woman lets him in. Her real name is not known.

Mohammad stabs his wife with a kitchen knife in front of their daughter. The daughter calls emergency services, who find that the woman is dead. The man is arrested at the scene of the crime.

In September, the trial begins in Verden District Court. The daughter reports domestic violence, assault and death threats. There is an order of protection from violence, which the perpetrator previously violated. In December, the perpetrator is sentenced to 5 years in prison for manslaughter in a "minor case."

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Posted in जाँच-पड़ताल, सम्मान बदला.