Afghan stabbed young mother in their shared apartment in Germany
Sabrina G.
born: 2000
Attempted murder: January 4, 2023
Place of residence: Dresden
Origin: Victim: Germany; Perpetrator: Afghanistan
Children: 1 baby
Perpetrator: her boyfriend Mohammad Omid A. (25 years old at the time of the crime)
born: 2000
Attempted murder: January 4, 2023
Place of residence: Dresden
Origin: Victim: Germany; Perpetrator: Afghanistan
Children: 1 baby
Perpetrator: her boyfriend Mohammad Omid A. (25 years old at the time of the crime)
On January 4, 2023, an Afghan stabbed his girlfriend in their shared apartment in Dresden. She was taken to the hospital seriously injured. The baby they had together was present at the time of the crime, but remained unharmed and has been placed under state care. The perpetrator is arrested in front of the house.
Sabrina is from Meißen and attends a special school in Dresden. A neighbor says that over the past 1.5 years the police have been called often because of domestic violence. The perpetrator is an asylum seeker, 25 years old according to official information. His photo suggests he is considerably older.
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