Honor Killing of Narges Achikzei. A Cover-Up. A Timeline.

Fifteen years ago, 23-year-old Narges Achikzei from Zeist tragically lost her life in the most painful way: by burning. The most commonly mentioned motives are honor-based violence and a legal conflict, but according to the police, another motive is also conceivable, such as jealousy.

Narges Achikzei: "I will later marry a man of my own choice, or else burn in hell!"

Narges was married in an Islamic ceremony, lived with her Muslim husband Haroen Mehraban, and was no stranger to the police due to her two complaints against her former employer Ralph Geissen for email stalking, defamation, and slander. Anyone who googled "Narges Achikzei" at the time was confronted with numerous accusations that she and her husband were involved in internet fraud.

In the timeline below, evidence, complaints, and rulings in the cases surrounding Narges Achikzei are shared. It is a story with many taboos, which some believe is unacceptable to discuss, but others feel it is important to share as a warning to Police Zeist and as criticism of the ‘politically correct’ handling of honor-based violence.

Judge for yourself.

Posted in जाँच-पड़ताल, डच अधिकारियों, नवोन्मेष, मुखबिर, मैटर नार्गे आइच, सम्मान बदला and tagged , , , , , , .